Produced & Directed – Cristina Gomez-Ferrer
Written, Produced, Shot, Edited – Andy Bydalek
Completed 2001
Production Notes:
This was the first of a few collaborations with fellow filmmaker and artist Cristina Gomez-Ferrer – and the first time either of us had used a 16mm camera. I remember crouching behind some cars across the street so the actors wouldn't see us trying to figure out how to load the film. We were never sure if we did it properly, but we charged ahead anyway hoping for the best. Ah, the days of student films!
Kennedy was the consummate professional, sitting patiently after preparing her wig and wardrobe, while we tried to get our act together.
Our fun and silly short enjoyed a good festival run including Frameline (San Francisco LGBTQ International Film Festival), ATA's "DJs Trannies and Films, Oh MY!" festival and the Transgender Film Festival.
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Take it to the limit...then push a little more.